I love a good shopping day!
This, however, doesn't have anything to do with spending money or buying a single thing....nope....some shopping days are strictly for the sheer inspiration they can bring - most especially when you visit a store with a super sharp sense of merchandising.
One of my favorite such stores is ANTHROPOLOGIE a dress and home decor chain that has stores throughout the US.
I can never find a thing to fit me in this store & I truly don't need any more home decor so I know it's gonna be a win-win....I save money and I get great ideas for projects, color schemes and trends just by stepping through the doors.!
My local Anthropologie (at The Grove in Shrewsbury, NJ) had this incredible window display made entirely from books - obviously a school themed thing cause school just started. I can't even imagine how much time and work went into taking all those books and creating an amazing piece of 3-D art.
It was so kind of them to let me take pictures....I am NEVER ever without my trustly little Sony T100 pocket digital. It's a few years old but it's the size of a cell phone and I'm super fast with it and I love it !! Sieze the moment as they say!
Not to mention that directly next door was a Pottery Barn with all of their great Halloween stuff out on display! They were a little more picky about me and my invasive camera habit !!! The salesgal kept saying "Can I help you, m'am". I know that tone !
Anyway....hope you enjoy some of the book art and get as inspired as I did. let me know if YOUR Anthropologie has anything exciting on display.
And, let us not forget, today is the anniversary of 9-11 and keep everyone who lost a loved one in our thoughts and our prayers.
Anthropologie! has the best and most inventive displays I have ever seen. I am always in AWE of whoever does them...
maybe one day it'll be my Daughter.hmmmm..only one more year of F.I.T and she'll be on her way.
can't wait to see you and the other ladies tomorrow ..pray for a nice sunny day.
Posted by: Terri Ventura | September 11, 2008 at 11:11 AM
On my blog "older Post" I have a Marie Antoinette display at Anthropologie! Oh it was a whole room a dress made from paper so beautiful! I work near the 5th Avenue Rock Center one in NYC. Now today I have to go see what they have going on! Hugs Grace
Posted by: Grace | September 11, 2008 at 10:18 AM