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    « Girls Day Out | Main | The Whole Story »

    November 25, 2008


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    Sandy M.

    The bracelets look like they were fun to make. I especially like the glittery ones I have to encourage you to read Middlesex and just muddle through for a while. I almost gave up on the book several times, but by the end, I put it down with a huge and satisfied sigh. Sometimes I still hear the characters in my head.


    I'm reading Edgar Sawtelle now, enjoying it so far! Try reading the Twilight series by Stephanie Meyer. These are 4 can't-put-down-books! My DD read Middlesex and loved it, raved about it for awhile (she's 22). I think you have to be in a certain mindset to read certain books. I wasn't sure at first if I liked Edgar Sawtelle. I love the Lincoln Rhymes books too.

    laurie Hunt

    Hi Suze! You bracelets are fab! I am reading Edgar Sawtelle and really enjoying it. I too have found some of Oprah's choices hard to get through. But I really enjoy one every once in a while. Now a question. You said you could use beeswax on the bracelets. I understand how the technique would work, and I have heard others suggest it for similar applications, but isn't it too delicate? I get the impression that the first time you wore a bracelet like this it would be the last? Am I sorely mistaken?


    Fantastic jewellery Suze! Love the necklace! I was at a gothic arch workshop run by Leandra and Linda last sunday, so now I have a beautiful christmas arch with 'Leandra beads' dangling from it!! :0)

    Cindy Trobaugh

    I thought I was the only person in the world who couldn't get into Edgar Sawtelle, thought maybe my glasses were going bad, or maybe my mind was beyond book reading. Thank you for saving my soul!! But yestersay, it wasn't Harry Bosch, but Lincoln Rhymes who gave me new faith in books. And I like your jewelry too--it's beautiful.

    Penci Petty

    Love the necklace you made and can't wait to learn more about the leandra bead.
    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
    Penci Petty

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