Looks like a happy face, huh? 2 eyes, smiley mouth.
Okay.......so here's how it goes....I am afraid of heights.
Not the airplane kind....fortunatey.
When I was little and we lived in an apartment building in Brooklyn. We were only on the 2nd floor and I was already crazed by that....and let me assure you...that was nothing.
A piece of cake. It wasn't even high up.
I actually used to think that the Verrazano Bridge (connecting Brooklyn to Staten Island) was made of rubber bands and they'd snap & break. Now mind you...... I was 21 at the time.....does that give you a clue ??!!
The degree of irrationality varies.....so....even watching a movie that involves height (remember 'Cliffhanger' with Sylvester Stallone ?)....well....that would rate a triple WHOA.....
I lose ALL feeling in my legs....my kids think it's hysterical because these are just movies - not reality - and I'm hyperventilating ...doesn't matter....mom is weirded out again with that Acrophobia thing.
amusement park rollercoasters........happened once......never happening again.
the Stratosphere in Las Vegas...got talked into once...biggest mistake of my life. Thought I'd die.
Needless to say....high places, even ones with big railings, are for the brave of heart...that would NOT be me ! There's no way to minimize this.
So...what would prompt me to go OUT onto the observation deck of a building at the nature preserve...damned if I know ! And, you'll note...the deck isn't even that high up. It's relatively small potatoes.
I believe it was cause I wanted pictures of the Eastern Bluebird....or...perhaps because I am a mental case...either way...ONE FOOT IN FRONT OF THE OTHER........it took me half an hour to slowly proceed from the elevator door to the railing.....then, hold it tightly, lift the camera to my eye and...BINGO......nothing !
The birdies were just not in plain sight today.
Big sigh.
I went home. Never looked down.
But I felt proud and decided...
NOPE...not doing that again ! I'll look at their pictures in a book.
Yes...the view straight out was stunning...you could see the Pine Barrens for miles & miles.
Been there, done that.
Moving On.............
I'll stick with the chipmunks in my roof drains. At least they're on the ground.
Aside from all that.......I took a little shopping jaunt this morning into the college town of Princeton (yes..right past the splendid University)..which is about 1/2 an hr from me.
I wandered into a bead store.....yes, there I am just w-a-n-d-e-r-i-n-g and I happened upon THIS...
No..I do not have a clue what I'll make with it but I won't alcohol ink it...that's for sure.!
Ready for ANOTHER IDEA FROM MY 'WRECK THIS' JOURNAL ? I'd skip the barf part !
and...here's an interesting link I happened upon today...Creativity Portal.
then, watch Gina do a Polished Stone Bleach technique on her video. We carry the waterbrush she uses.
ART ALERT :.....if you live anywere near my office (Tinton Falls, NJ) reserve October 18th cause The Impatient Beader, Margot Potter is coming to teach for us. She'll do 1/2 a day and I'll do 1/2 a day. Too soon for all the details...we haven't gotten that far yet....just keep watching.