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    « oooh...let the fun begin | Main | The Last Day »

    July 29, 2009


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    noel culbertson

    suze, you sweet little funky girl! it was so good to see you again. you are fabulous, as always!


    Linda Cain

    Lisa is soooo talented and such a sweet person.
    I think I look like I needed the makeover! Ha!
    You're always too good to me!

    Your Friend in ART!


    Tina Wright

    boy..wish I was there~ Looks like alot of fun and learning going on! Thanks for giving us a peek!

    Elaine Allen

    Hi Suze -

    Thank you so much for blogging your CHA visit for us, God knows you must be busy. So it is very much appreciated. And it is so very, very nice to see Carol Duvall, I so miss seeing her on television. May I also say - girl . . . that is one GREAT tan you have - WOW!!!!! I'm envious, I don't tan, I burn, always.
    Enjoy your trip (Lisa's new polymer clay sounds interesting by the way).

    Elaine Allen


    You know you are the worlds worst enabler and I mean that in the nicest possible way. Thanks for sharing all the links, it's almost like being there.

    Penci Petty

    Looks like Day 2 is just as much fun as Day 1! Thanks so much for sharing....the next best thing to being there is visiting your blog!

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