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    « and did I mention.... | Main | Super Show-Super Fun »

    July 30, 2009


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    Bonnie Egenton

    Suze-I think we NEED a photo booth in the Art Room at Ranger . . .


    Michelle Daschel

    I love your blog. I am so glad that you take the time to post photos and let us in on a sneak peak at your artistic life. I know you must be exhausted after CHA and now moving on to the consumer show. Thanks so much - I really love your style.


    Robin G

    You always have the best (and most) photos ever! I always feel as if I am there with you in all your adventures.
    Robin Gasser

    Nancy Bales

    Just in case you didn't know, I'll bet that there are a lot of women just like me who look forward everyday to coming home to see what you have been up to. It feels like your life is an adventure and you take all of us with you. Thank you so much for so many laughs and warm feelings.

    Penci Petty

    WOW! What an amazing recap of your day. I love how you post everyone's name or company where we can just click on it to go to their website.
    CHA has to be very taxing but even at the end of the day you look just as perky as you did that morning....with a big smile.
    Thanks again for sharing.

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