Those beeswax urges never seem to slow up....there are days I want to wax everything.
Now I'm on a "lets make a bird and wax it" kick.
I found the little wood saying strips on the sale table at Pier 1
When I was visiting Zana (Stamp Zia) last week she shared her secret for making the Torsos (see blog from last week) and I applied that same principle to making a bird.
I're gonna probably want to kill me because I gave her my word I wouldn't spill her class I can't - but it's not important....what IS important is that I coated them with beeswax and added Pan Pastels as well as Perfect Pearls in between the layers of wax so you see all of that stuff going on underneath the layers.
Then, I did a full bird.
I made a quick trip to Michaels for feathers which I hot glued on. And, I'm a big fan of the Zamora beads ( which are always on sale) & Beadazzles to hide all imperfections. I used our Loctite brush on super glue for that part.
The Lenster loved them and actually said...lets hang them...whoooa..this is a good sign.
I must re-arrange some wall space. I'm thinking maybe I need a "bird bathroom".
The guest bathroom can now be called the "Tweet Pee"......!
Okay now...don't forget a couple of things.....
1) The Instant Art Collage Book (which we did a limited run on) has a few copies left....get one now because soon they will be discontinued.
2) There is always a free download on the website....I change them monthly...gonna change it soon so get it now. It's called "Hide & Seek".
3) EVERY SINGLE UTEE is ON SALE at 15% off for a very limited time.....grab 'um up !
4) Same for Wonder Tape......yipee !
Tweet Pee--you crack me up! I've never commented on your blog before, Suze, but I do want to say that I follow it regularly and thoroughly enjoy reading about all your adventures. Keep it up!!!
Kim in Cincy
Posted by: kimb0 | July 19, 2009 at 07:49 AM
Just got my stash of Wonder Tape from you in the mail yesterday!
And I LOVE the birds! The colors are wonderful.
Posted by: Linda Cain | July 19, 2009 at 12:59 AM