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    « Craftrange Rules | Main | On the road to Birmingham »

    February 18, 2010


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    Chris F

    Thanks Sarah for outing me - I was hoping to keep it quiet that that was me! Sorry Suze, would have pulled a better face if I'd known you had me in the frame not just the artwork!
    Enjoyed the workshop, and chatting to you about the Tudors etc. at lunchtime - if we meet again, I want to know all about John Adams! Or do I mean Grizzly Adams?
    Looking forward to QVC tonight
    Safe journey home.
    Chris F


    OooooI can spy my mate Wendy! Lucky her for being in your class.. and Lucky you for teachined cos she is mrs talented


    Adam - drool - what a cutie and so much talent. Okay - I'll admit at this stage of the season it's all about looks for me - then once they really start performing I am swayed by their talent. Right now I am crushing on the tall blond with the pony tail.... :0)

    Looks like you are having a great time in the UK... Love the Alice in Wonderland piece


    Looks like everyone is having a great time. Especially loved the Native American art piece. That's right down my alley. Have a great time.

    Linda Cain

    What a fun looking group!!! And a great idea for making circles in WAX!!!! LOVE WAX!!!!


    Looks like you had another great day @ Craftrange! Glad you were inspired to do a beeswax Alice panel by your students of both days. I am still 'buzzing' from yesterday in my head, my body has slept for most of the day though... Woke with some great ideas & wrote them down before i forget. I Blipped some of my pieces from yesterday, hope you see when you upload again sometime.

    Enjoy your trip to snowy Birmingham & your meet/catch up with Tim, Mario & Claudine :-)

    Sarah Anderson

    Oh it looks like it was such a fun day. I have to say, I LOVE the photos of Chris F (first piccie) and Carol (second piccie), both good crafting buddies of mine!


    Suze, thank you for making my birthday such a fabulous day. I had a wonderful time today and my collage will be hung up on the wall at the weekend.

    It's certainly a birthday I'll never forget.

    Chris x

    Teresa Petersen

    Keep looking for Jonathan! He is yummy!

    Rachel W

    I'm a brummie (that's somebody who comes from Birmingham!) and I'm afraid we've got snow here right now. It seems to be following you. I hope you enjoy your time here in spite of the weather.

    Kathy Gledsdale

    Sorry about the weather Suze, but it doesn't seemed to have dampened your crafters spirits. Enjoying seeing your travels thank you. Your Alice face almost looks like an old English queen too. x

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