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    « CLASS DAY at STITCHES | Main | and there's more.... »

    February 21, 2010


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    Jann Neiers

    How totally cool that you post all of this so we can...."live the moment" with you all. Thank you so much!!!! adn seeing Mario is long pants was a thrill as well...LOL
    Be safe, keep warm...and enjoy!


    Good to see you at the show and thanks for the advice re red utee for my seal on the Dragon Canvas. I'm amazed it made it onto your blog. Didn't see QVC as I was still stood at the NEC but hope to see you on there in June. Safe journey!

    Anke Humpert

    I so much enjoyed watching your demos and chating with you!!! And learned some great new techniques, too...;-)
    And you even took a picture of me demoing!!! Wohhh!!! Would it be possible to have that picture??? I never have ones of myself!!!

    Chris F

    What are peel-offs? Seriously - the only thing we very occasionally use them for is to colour over then remove, like a mini mask. then they go in the bin where they belong!!!
    Looks like you had a great time.

    val rich

    Thanks for the piccies. Looks like you're having a great time. Please never, ever mention peeloffs again.

    Love val


    what great pics. Thank you so much for sharing. Looks like you are having a blast. I amso intrigues by the "boxes". Are they a set? Who makes them? I'm inspired! Good luck on QVC. I'll be looking for you. Ida

    Kathy Gledsdale

    You all must be totally punch drunk by now (tired). So grateful you still manage to spare the time to blog. Looking forward to tomorrow and seeing you all on QVC x


    Great pictures, Suze. Thanks for sharing your adventures. Have a great time.

    Debbie, UK

    HEADLINE! 'Peel-off fans give Uk crafters a bad name!!!'

    Please don't think that ALL UK crafters love peel-offs!!
    That's why so many of us are counting the minutes to tomorrow's TSV on QVC! You should see the activity on the forums (google UKScrappers, and CraftTelly)

    We can't wait for your QVC shows!!! hope you've brought plenty and that you all get the chance to demonstrate your products!


    SOooo awesome!! Just was wondering what these 2 tins where at the Ranger boot (on the left side from the picture)... New storage tins for the distress inks???

    Anyway, you all look so pleased, happy and all... i'm so jealous... wish i could work in the crafting business, that would be a huge dream come true... but i don't have a "wheelbarrow" to get in... :(

    XOXO, and have some fun in the UK.


    don't mention peeloffs in dyan's hearing LOL!

    It's so great that you share your days with us, we get to get a glimpse of shows we'd never see otherwise!

    and how fab are those tattered angel chalk mists..yummy!


    Great photos, especially when I know some of the people in them! Have a great demo today and on QVC, hope there's going to be some "stuff" left by the time I get home from work....


    Great photos Suze,lol! so good to catch up with you


    Thanks for sharing all of this with us! I LOVE all of the new products. The purple heat tool that Sarah Lawrence is using is to die for! Will this be something available in the US?

    Evelyn in Oregon

    If all I could do was see your photos, Suze, I'd follow your blog!!! But the narrative makes it that much better.


    Looks like you are having a great time! Great jewelry--great samples--great times...

    marcia greer

    That BATMAN was one long drink of water, eh? Thank you so much for such an informative and fun blog. If it's any consolation, we've been getting snow for days here in Colorado, too.

    Debbie McIntyre

    What a blast! Thanks for sharing it with us....again. You're the best.


    Wow!!! What a fantastic day you had, got to ask was Batmans suit a proper rubber one? Looks like the snow kept a few people away, the NEC looks quite empty; loving all the pictures today especially the jewellery ones. The blue dangly necklace is beautiful.
    Hope your back is feeling better after wandering the aisles with Leandra... The swan cake looks very lovely & hope you all enjoyed a taste. Lots of arty crafty people own an iPhone thats probably why you have seen so many, but that's a good thing right, lol...
    Have a great sleep & hope you feel rested enough to do it all again tomorrow :-)

    Janet Clarke

    Oh my I do hope UK Crafters are not famous for peeloffs in America - Im sure Dyan will put that myth right again :0)


    Wow - thank you so very very much for taking all that time to walk the exhibition and then post all the photos - for the likes of me who can't get there in person.

    Loved your 'personal' photos - and seeing all the 'faces' together. Brilliant - love your get together at the restaurant.

    You all work so very very hard promoting all your products - and always have a smile and manage to look utterly glamorous - yes the 'boys' too.

    You certainly earn your keep don't you.

    Your enthusiasm pours off your page.

    One in a million!

    Thanks Suze

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