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    « That Syncing feeling ! | Main | feed the spirit »

    March 16, 2010


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    How absolutely wonderful - you have such brilliant shops in the USA - and 'cheap' I could really do 'cheap' brilliantly. Love the suitcase - and all the boxes- such great inspiration in every photo.

    'Knock off' over here is the slang for 'stolen goods' !


    Wow! What a way to wait for your plane to take off. I'm sure Allie was so happy to have a wonderful friend spend the hours with her. And - bargains to boot! Wow.


    u 2 had so much fun 2gether!!! way kewl!

    Barbara Stovall

    Looks like a good time was had! How did she get all that stuff on the plane!!

    ellen vargo

    So nice of you to "rescue" her from mulling... nice friend... :)

    Sandi M

    So happy to see that Allie didn't have to spend her day in the hotel! You two did a couple of my favorite things - Japanese and Home Goods - I'm still reeling that she'd never been to Home Goods.

    Kathy Gledsdale

    Great stuff, I hope you bought that vase too Suze. You just seem to have just wonderful shops around you.


    Great shopping!! I think you need to help me find bargains too.


    I'm mulling today can you please come and take me out?


    You two had lots of fun bargain hunting! People after my own heart, bargain hunting is so satisfying especially when you find genuine bargains.

    Liking the 'art' & the birds, especially the boxes. My newest bargain had to be a georgeous box with matching notebook & magazine rack for under £5 @ local supermarket. Stocked away for xmas pressie:-)

    Thanks for sharing your fun :-)

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