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    « and the beat goes on.... | Main | That Syncing feeling ! »

    March 14, 2010


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    I saw you there at the Crafts Fair. You were trying to convince a vendor that you were the real deal - one of the jewelry crafters. When I told him you really did have a blog, he let you take the picture. I saw every single vendor that you photographed, but I thought those dolls were a little odd - not my style.


    Glad you managed to cram so much into your weekend and not let the weather spoil any of it for you.

    What a fantastic restaurant - and to top it off with a show too. I would have chosen the same art doll as you -she is perfect. Love those earrings -and the watch! I bet you sneiaked a few more things past Lenster - Judaica jewellery I bet - or did you put in an offer for Rick's house - I can just picture you there - I'd love to live there too


    You sure know how to fill a day with FUN!


    LOVE LOVE LOVE Ricky Boscarino's place ... it is amazing! I want to sign up for one of his classes just to see his place. And the primative twig pieces are wonderful. Thanks so much for sharing your pics from the show.

    Kathy Gledsdale

    WoW WoW Wow! what else can you say! x


    Wow Suze
    your weather & lack of electricity looks awful but fun at the same time. Who doesn't like candle light....What fantastic places you have to visit & find such amazing artwork & designers. Don't know of anywhere like this in the UK..... Thanks for sharing your brilliant day out, your purchases & the links so we can go look too. The timepieces are really different & am not surprised the fab Mr T Holtz owns one too.
    Especially love the silver earings that you wear over your ear & the metal sculptures look fab. Looking forward to finding out the true meaning of Dark Side tomorrow.
    Until then please take care :-) Paula


    Looks like you had some amazing shopping! I love the jewelry made with silver wear... stunning!

    Linda L.

    As if you don't travel enough now, how about leading studio shopping expeditions in the NJ/NY area, seems like a lot of creativity is going on all around you. You always show us the best stuff on your blog. This Sah Jose, Calif. crafter would come east to shop with you. Linda

    Linda Cain

    Amazing! Love the earrings and the watches!!!!
    You are a lucky gal!



    WOW, what a gorgious art pieces!! just WOW. I´m so jealous! you have sooo much fun...

    Anyway, i like it that you share it, so i can enjoy your fun too


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