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    « time flies... | Main | Just put me on the train & give me your credit card »

    May 27, 2010


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    You find the coolest stuff!!!!


    Okay - I'm lucky and i have one of those cool birds - it was a gift from my SIL... Gotta tell you there is a lot of inspiration in those store pics - love that boat bed (can I have one) and that chandelier - beautiful stuff!


    Hi Suze-
    I was in the area last weekend and took Claudine's class in Reston, Virginia. I learned so many new techniques. After meeting her and realizing what a talented teacher she is, I signed up for her BPS on-line class. She is the goddess of paint as you are the goddess of Utee and Wax!! Have a great trip.


    Hello from England, and hoping your journey is easy and amusing..and can't wait for your Ranger shows on QVC- I got your Melt Pot 18months ago from QVC, and I love it! Thank you for the inspiration you pour out on us all, it makes life so much better.
    Have been trying your 'faux cloisonne' technique from your videos, and it's so pretty.
    Travel safe,
    roll on the 8th June!

    Linda Cain

    Love your pics as always! Those people definitely marched to the beat of a different drum...but don't we all???? least some of US do.
    Can't wait to see you at CHA. People are asking to learn WAX here, too. Got to get that going!!!

    Take a breather, take care, and be well.



    Definitely a perfect day Suze, loving the seahorse planter & the chandelier, so different...

    Dawn Bibby was telling viewers that you are coming over in June, that wax art is becoming very popular & of course she mentioned that you are a very clever lady; couldn't agree more. So looking forward to seeing you demonstrating on QVC, fingers crossed you get to finish your demos before they sell out of all your products. Will be recording of course in case i miss anything...

    Thanks for sharing such great finds... Have been brave & sent a project piece into Tim's Distress comp, i won't win but it was fun taking part. Will check out Claudine's blog for details of her course. Forgot to ask do you know who won your decorated camera bag @ Inspired?
    Rest well & keep taking amazing pictures for us to share, thanks Suze :-) x

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