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    « cleaning house | Main | 47 years archived »

    September 14, 2010


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    christian louboutin boots

    Heels of the "healthy limits" 7 cm, more than 7 cm will lead to lean forward to foot the burden will increase, which caused a lot of bone disease.

    Beth Norman

    Your mirror is stunning. What talent! Congratulations on your anniversary. Blessings.


    UNGAPATCHKA!!!! Woohoo... my mother used to say that wonderful Yiddish word. How I miss hearing her say it. Another wonderful word she used was mishigas... best spelling I can come up with. Now, I am your age and only know a few phrases because my parents wouldn't teach us Yiddish. That way they could talk a about us in front of us... LOL!!! Thanks for that very sweet walk down memory lane!!!


    I only made it to Year 33. Had we remain married (and alive), 2010 would have marked our 43rd anniversary...
    but YOU TWO are HAPPY, and THAT is why you lasted so long!! Congrats!!
    (now go find that b/w album you spoke of so you can thrill us all!

    Candy Colwell

    Congratulations on your upcoming 47th Anniversary! Quite a milestone! The love light still burns in both of your truly is wonderful, isn't it? I love your idea your post about beeswax, cookie cutters and alcohol inks. That looks like alot of fun...gonna have to try it! I wasnt' sure if alcohol inks would take to beeswax. Guess I know now! Thanks & have a lovely Anniversary!

    Hilda Gale

    Fabulous Suze and a million congratulations on your anniversary, its lovely to know that you are as in love with each other as you were all those years ago May you both continue to share your love for many, many more years xxxx

    marilyn goodman

    mazel tov from california!

    my hub and i were married 47 yrs in august--and i looked pretty much like you back in those days! what happens to us! ;>)) i think we all wanted to look like jackie kennedy!

    have a great day and a great dinner-

    marilyn goodman

    Renee S.

    Mazel Tov on a life together with many more happy years ahead. Have a wonderful celebration and trip!

    Donna McEwen

    Happy Anniversary. I really enjoy your blog. Would love to see a picture of you and the Lenster on your wedding day!

    Cyndi Szalma

    Have a happy anniversary with your sweetie! 47 years is something to celebrate these days. Congratulations to the both of you.

    Amy Patterson

    Congratulations on 47 years! Wow! That's fantastic by any measure! Cheers to another 47, at least!

    Nanette Clark

    Have a wonderful celebration! My husband and I will be married 41 years this November. It takes true love, patience and a good sense of humor to stay committed, but certainly worth it. Too bad there isn't more people out there like us.


    Huge congrats on the 47th! :)
    Wish I could have a box of your stamps but I'm in the U.K. so it's a no goer :(
    All the best and have a great meal
    xoxo Sioux

    Russell White

    Mazel tov and all the most wonderful joy and love that life can offer such a fabulous couple: Suze and Lenster. May your next 47 years be filled with even more blessings and success and your life will be over flowing with love from all around you in both your personal, business, from your family and friends.

    We give you are blessings from up in Idaho and send our love to you always.

    You are in are hearts forever.

    Lots of love,

    Russell and Stan

    PS: I just spent a fortune ordering the encaustic CD and the beeswax--but I know it will be worth it.

    steph Martin

    Happy Anniversary. Have a wonderful day celebrating :)


    Happy Anniversary!! How is it that on the eve of your own anniversary, you are giving US gifts, as in the gorgeous mirror tute?! You are truly amazing and inspiring!!

    Cathy Daulman

    Happy, happy Anniversary Suze and Lenny !
    You are an inspiration.
    Lots of love X X X

    Tobey S.

    HAPPY ANNIVERSARY SUZE AND LENNY!!! WOW!! 47 years, that is so wonderful! Enjoy your dinner out!! and may you have lots more happy years making memories!! We celebrate our wedding anniversary the 16th, but only 10 for us!!!


    Wow! Beeswax and AI's?! I would have never thought of that...but it looks spectacular, and thanks for the tip on the DVD, looks like it's going on the Christmas wish list.
    Happy Anniversary to you and Lenny, hope you have a lovely day, and many more to come!


    I wish you everything you and the Lenster would wish yourselves along with the Happiest of Anniversaries - all the best


    Diane O.

    Congrats to you and the Lenster...47 is a bunch but you two seem to have fun all the time. Here's to many more!

    Jeanne Nelson

    Ohhh, the frame is beautiful ~~ I love the texture and colors. If it's not a mirror, it'd be a great frame for your 47th anniversary picture, for such a colorful, happy couple! Congratulations on all those years together ~~ what an awesome accomplishment! Wishing you at least 47 more great, happy years together ... and much prosperity and happiness in each of those future years together. You're awesome, Suze!


    Love to you both! xoxo


    Happy Anniversary Sweetie! Tell the Lenster he has a following too!! And, BTW - the whole wax thing - OMG. I am dying here. Alcohol Ink dying that is!!! GOTTA try that one next weekend! Can't wait to see you!!!! Suppose we would be lucky enough to have Daniella in town this time too??

    Roselyn Baldwin

    Happy Anniversary congratulations on 47 years

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