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    « Downtown New York | Main | Heart-ing !!! »

    February 13, 2012


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    Robert Allen

    Fantastic party. He is really lucky to have a wife like you. Looks like everyone really enjoyed because it was well-prepared. Who would not get all emotional with such an effort? Even the baddest biker would break down in tears.

    lisa williams

    Awesome Design!!! How did you make the centerpiece and board?? Great Idea!

    Shanna Campbell

    How did you make the centerpieces they are very nice looking

    Leketha Everett

    Suze, This looks like an amazing party. Howdid you make the centerpieces.

    Renee S.

    What a wonderful birthday! Congratulations. According to the photos, it looked fabulous. Great job!


    Happy belated B-day wishes to the Lenster!!

    You plan a FABULOUS party!! The details were great! I don't know if I could have made the first cut into that cake!!

    Looks like wonderful memories for ALL!!

    theresa Ventura

    Wow what a great time you all had , next party i have i'm calling you to help plan it.
    hugs to you and lenny

    Nancy G.

    What a wonderful celebration! How amazing that you were able to keep it a secret. It was great to see the decorations, food, people but most of all your husband grinning from ear to ear. You made memories to last a lifetime for everyone who was there. Thanks for sharing.


    How wonderful a night to remember! Happy Birthday from Liverpool, England, to the Lenster!
    JoZarty x


    What a great party.

    lyle baxter

    what a wonderful thing!

    Elaine Allen

    It is so hard to really surprise someone, so kudos for being able to REALLY surprise Len! It looked like a wonderful gathering of family and friends and if the smile on Len's face is any indication, he had an awesome time! HAPPY BIRTHDAY LEN (albeit late)! And I thought the motorcycle centerpieces with Len on the bikes was just genius. By the way Suze, you make on hot Biker chick - LOL!

    Elaine Allen


    How fantastic - and well done for keeping it secret, you devious lady you! It nearly made me cry reading about it! The cake looks amazing (so does the buffet) - so glad you had a fabulous time and thanks (as ever) for sharing your life with us all.


    What a FABULOUS party and HAPPY BIRTHDAY (albeit a bit late, sorry) to the Lenster


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