and, the excitement continues in Milwaukee !!
Again, humble apologies when I post a picture and then can't remember where I took it...just know it was because I loved your work!!
I want to begin with a booth I found practically by accident and then couldn't make myself leave......a crane couldn't lift me away !!
are you beginning to see why? I mean..OMG...right up my alley and down my block as they say !
and more from the show floor
I've become a big fan of the "horn' type beads...I now own three and am going to make something interesting......I hope !
I did get lots of ideas.
Here was an award winning beaded pin
and bracelets...yes...they are bracelets that I believe are made by Sylvie Elise Lansdowne
as well as this adorable piece
then I watched a fascinating demo...a gadget that assists in wire weaving. Developed by a lady named Cindy and available on
More of Kim St. Jean
and her amazing wirework
Kims classes were always full. After all...check out what one of the projects was....and Cheryl is hard at work!
New Orleans designer Thomas Mann was at the show with his most wonderful work plus giving daily demos on the correct way to use a saw.
From Class Act comes hand dyed and hand made silks. They have the best displays and the best silk ribbons !
From my buddy Jen Cushman come these great earrings and bracelet that she showed as samples in her class using Ice Resin.
More from one of my absolute favorites, Elemental Ornaments
This confirms my need to learn chain maille...well OK, maybe?!
A booth I'd NEVER miss...NUNN Design
Here was a first time booth...these fellas from Austin, TX selling finished leather cuffs and doing very well...they are called AGG Austin but I cant find them online, yet.
Ice Resin
Booth Displays
Diane Hawkey
Marsha Neal
Kim Geiser
Patti Bullard
and a wonderful lobby display
Will there be more tomorrow...Oh, you betcha!