We had MAGNIFICENT weather today...a perfect day for a trip to Calgo Gardens...one of my super favorite places. A 7 acre heaven of flowers and shrubs and a beautiful gift shop.
They were offering a day of classes OUTDOORS....and we were prepared to make some way cool stuff !
Teacher Janice Sheilds from "Cut it Out" in Stockbridge, MA, designs and builds sculptural furniture for home & garden. She teaches workshops all over the Northeast.She came down for the day to show us how to fill her handmade mirror frames with all natural ingredients !
Janice highly recommends the glue pictured above as it really holds everything super stong and dries clear.
So, we proceeded to stain our frames, (as above), and add the fishing test on the back for hanging.
Janice provided trays of stones, sea glass, twigs, pea pods, shells, acorns...and everything nature made !
It was fantastic to work in the beautiful outdoor setting
So, we got to work and here are some of the results!
and, am I pleased !!
OH YEAH !!!!
and I even used some of the wasp nest (dormant and spray sealed) that the Lenster collected for me months ago!
and some of the other students finished frames
Then, after a wonderful lunch in the garden we proceeded on to class #2.
Building an Obelisk !!
This class was designed for all skill levels. Obelisks are wonderful in your garden and can also be decorated in the winter season. The nice thing was that Janice encouraged us to do whatever we liked..it did not have to be the exact form pictured above.
The important part was the drilling...TOOLS involved....
In our house it's The Lenster who understands those power tools...but I decided it was going to be MY project and I tackled it
....Okay...he stopped by and assisted !
and Janice helped too ! Lining the bottom and top up straight is the most important part.
as you can see....mine is very 'free form' and I added a few more interesting things to it after this pix was taken. I'll try to get more pix of various angles and post tomorrow !!
Meanwhile...Have a very happy Fathers Day everyone !