So, continuing on our travelogue....I hope you're enjoying the pictures as much as I enjoyed taking them and seeing all of this firsthand.
We were so thrilled to eat in the same restaurant that President Obama and his family ate in....and, in the EXACT same room...Our guide Carlos sat in the Obama chair!! It's a family-owned restaurant called San Cristóbal Paladar.
First came the tapas.
there are pictures of him and the family all over the room.
This is a view of another section of the restaurant
and the beautiful dinnerware we ate on
but, of course, we went to galleries where there is always something for everybody.
the lady below, all done with goldleafing
Out and about on the streets.......
In front of a local restaurant...lots of gnomes!
This was a wall in a local restaurant bathroom
Hilarious signage for a bathroom door
Don't worry...We're still keeping an eye on the strays!