Well, It all began with the Jersey Shore Calligraphers guild....going back like 30+ years...or more.
Pat Kennedy and I met when we joined this organization.The guild has been defunct for many years now.
A fantastic and very fun friendship was formed and a real bonding...soon joined by a third....Sheryl Hirsch-Kramer... Two Jews and a "shiksa"
How do you explain to someone who wasn't there...back then...how hilarious this friendship was.
Sheryl & I (the two Jewish broads), thought it so funny that our Christian friend Pat had so many names...names that she had acquired throughout her life (her given, middle, baptized, maiden, married twice) names. We weren't so educated back then!!!
All she was missing, in order to be an "honorary Jewish girl was "Schwartz"...as in "May the Schwartz be with you"...thank you Mel Brooks !!!
and so the beginnings of the Schwartz Compendium Guild, Ltd.(very) began and.....as it's first member...Patricia Joyce Christine Wegrocki Kernahan Kennedy Schwartz became it's first president...and, (in our finest British accent to honor both of our English roots)
we began doing some of the wildest and silliest things you could ever imagine. We would call each other up and talk for hours in 'dialects'...honestly, and then we'd try them out in public places.....it was hilarious.
Okay...you had to be there!!
and then sadly, we lost touch for a few years ....WHEN SUDDENLY....as if lightning struck.....we hooked up again and we haven't stopped laughing since!!
And I do mean LOL!!!
We're all retired these days... and you all know how I've been keeping busy...
Sheryl has a wonderful website http://www.transformingthroughlove.com/ and she is very active in her coaching support of people (while they are being cared for by their own health care provider) during their life’s journey.
Pat (former art teacher) has been staying really active with calligraphy AND with her quilt making. So I'm going to share our most recent visit to her artsy abode in Middletown, NJ
First, lunch....OMGawd!!! Delish
Her studio
Her "tvinkling" lights (note: she plays the cello too!!)
Examples of her most recent Calligraphic experiments
The Fabric stash
examples of her incredible quilts...all hand made
Using the sun to print on the fabric.
Pat was the one who was responsible for getting me into rubber stamping and she has kept scrapbooks and albums of pictures from calligraphy conferences, demos & frequent gettogethers and she's saved actual art from back when I used to do dimensional rubber stamped "mail art". I was flipping out !!!
what a day we had...and we're doing it again in a month from now...so..stay tuned !!